Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Matter of Life or Death

For the last 20 years, talented, creative, crazy people - actors, casting directors, producers, have surrounded me.  I loved the magic that went with the world they lived in.  But I always knew - honest feelings were most important.

And I was always funny, shooting straight from the hip, sarcastic (sometimes a bit too harsh) and very ‘New York’.   Over the years I have learned to tone it down so that people would be able to see the huge heart I had without having to search through the trash to get there.  I wanted to keep the drama on the outside.

Unfortunately, my circumstances have become a matter of life or death.  The “DRAMA” is with me on a daily basis.

Three years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. All alone I fought it, put my head down and went thru the chemo, radiation and radical surgery and came out on the other side…still laughing and joking, but inside screaming and crying.

Now three years later, my life now rests with ‘the kindness of strangers’, and friends, and acquaintances, and people I’ve known for 20 years who are lucky enough to have made wonderful lives for themselves.

Last week I was told that the cancer was back. I must have an
Operation or it will be terminal.  These are not words from a script…the bottom line is I will die.

I am going to fight this again and try to survive it all, except this time money is a major problem.  And all my positivity and determination cannot change the biggest stumbling block to my getting healthy – financial help through this difficult time.   I am reaching out to everyone with whom I have met, laughed, helped and worked.  I am reaching out because it is now a matter of life or death and I only have 3 weeks to make this happen.

After paying off the hundreds of thousands of bills from the first go around and taking care of my mother…I have nothing left. Just about to get a new job when this happened.

I need to raise at least $15,000 (my monthly basic budget is $3000), so I can have the operation, recuperate for 3 months, and have physical therapy after that while I get back to working.  Whether its $100 dollars, $1000 dollars, $5000 dollars, I appreciate anything and everything you can donate.   And even if you can’t give anything, I will always have such warm memories of each of you that I will continue to cherish.

I pray you will remember how blessed you are and find it in your heart to help.  I am humbled beyond measure and pleading for your generosity.  Pride is no longer an option for me.

I would love to hear from you and I will answer any of your questions.  

For donation information, please write to